Find the personal loan to help you get what you want, sooner Apply now Talk to us Phone us Email us Breadcrumbs Health Professionals Bank Personal Loans Personal loans Need a holiday or a new car? Whatever you're aiming for, a personal loan from Health Professionals Bank can help make it a reality. Overview Buying a car Debt consolidation Personal loans Overview A helping hand when you need it Taking out a personal loan1 is one way to make a big purchase. Whether it’s booking that getaway, buying a new car or furnishing your home—personal loans can help you get there faster.Personal loans may also make managing debt easier. Consider a personal loan when you’re wanting to consolidate your debts into one bundled repayment.2 Manage your loan Loans FAQ Fixed All Purpose Personal Loan Get peace of mind that your rate and repayments will remain the same for a fixed period. The fixed rate All Purpose Personal Loan can help you bundle your debts2, fund a wedding or your next big purchase. Learn more 8 .99 pa % Featured Interest rate – 5 year fixed 9 .20 pa** % Featured Comparison Rate - 5 year fixed No ongoing fees A competitive fixed interest rate Choose weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments Apply Become a member All Purpose Personal Loan Make managing your money simple. Bundle your debts2 with our All Purpose Personal Loan or finalise that big purchase sooner. Learn more 11 .99 pa % Interest rate 12 .21 pa** % Comparison rate No ongoing fees Make extra repayments Choose weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments A competitive variable interest rate Apply Become a member Fixed Rate Car Loan If you’d like certainty that your repayments will stay the same for the duration of your loan, then this is for you. You can fix your loan from three to six years and borrow as little as $10,000 for a new or used vehicle up to 10 years old. Learn more 9 .99 pa % Interest rate – 5 year fixed 10 .21 pa** % Comparison Rate - 5 year fixed No ongoing fees Choose weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments A competitive fixed interest rate Apply Become a member Car Loan Our Car Loan helps you finance the right car that suits your needs, whether it’s new or used up to 10 years old. Learn more 9 .99 pa % Interest rate 10 .21 pa** % Comparison rate No ongoing fees Make extra repayments Choose weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments A competitive variable interest rate Apply Become a member **Comparison rate warning WARNING: Comparison rates quoted are based on $30,000 for a term of 5 years for Car Loans and All Purpose Loans. Products quoted are unsecured except Car Loans over $50,000 are secured. This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees, or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. *Important information 1 Eligibility criteria apply to join the Bank. All applications for credit are subject to our responsible lending criteria. Fees and charges apply. Consumer lending terms and conditions available here. 2 Debt consolidation is $50K maximum. For information on debt consolidation, visit ASIC’s website. For personal loans no longer offered for sale after 20 September 2021, please click here. Buying a car Find the right car loan for you Whatever type of car you’re after—new or used—our car loans help get you on the road faster.1 There are no ongoing monthly account keeping fees2 to worry about and no penalty fees to redraw*. Get started with our calculators and tools Quick and easy to use – our online calculators and tools will give you the information you need, in a matter of minutes. Plan your budget What could your repayments be? Could extra repayments help? Fixed Rate Car Loan If you’d like certainty that your repayments will stay the same for the duration of your loan, then this is for you. You can fix your loan from three to six years and borrow as little as $10,000 for a new or used vehicle up to 10 years old. Learn more 9 .99 pa % Interest rate – 5 year fixed 10 .21 pa** % Comparison Rate - 5 year fixed No ongoing fees Choose weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments A competitive fixed interest rate Apply Become a member Car Loan Our Car Loan helps you finance the right car that suits your needs, whether it’s new or used up to 10 years old. Learn more 9 .99 pa % Interest rate 10 .21 pa** % Comparison rate No ongoing fees Make extra repayments Choose weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments A competitive variable interest rate Apply Become a member **Comparison rate warning WARNING: Comparison rates quoted are based on $30,000 for a term of 5 years for Car Loans and All Purpose Loans. Products quoted are unsecured except Car Loans over $50,000 are secured. This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees, or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. *Important information 1 Membership eligibility applies to join the Bank. All applications for credit are subject to our responsible lending criteria. Fees and charges apply. You can find our Consumer Lending terms and conditions online or from any of our offices. 2 Other fees may apply, e.g., default or break fee. 3 Experts Choice Award: Mozo Pty Ltd. ABN 68 128 199 208. AFSL & Australian Credit Licence 328141 offers consumers a comprehensive product comparison service across the retail banking market. The Bank does not pay Mozo to be in awards selection nor do we receive any commission from Mozo for any award received. Design and Distribution Obligations The target market for this product will be found within the product’s Target Market Determination, available here. Debt consolidation Debt consolidation As a healthcare professional focused on helping others, you sometimes don't have enough time to dedicate to yourself - or your finances. A debt consolidation loan with Health Professionals Bank can help you take control of your finances, save on interest and reduce financial stress. Apply Benefits of consolidating multiple debts One regular, easy to manage repayment A fixed end date for when your debt will be paid off Interest savings with a potentially lower interest rate How does debt consolidation work? Fixed All Purpose Personal Loan Get peace of mind that your rate and repayments will remain the same for a fixed period. The fixed rate All Purpose Personal Loan can help you bundle your debts2, fund a wedding or your next big purchase. Learn more 8 .99 pa % Featured Interest rate – 5 year fixed 9 .20 pa** % Featured Comparison Rate - 5 year fixed No ongoing fees A competitive fixed interest rate Choose weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments 8 .99 pa % Featured Interest rate – 5 year fixed 9 .20 pa** % Featured Comparison Rate - 5 year fixed Apply Become a member What will my repayments be? Quick and easy to use – our online calculators and tools will give you the information you need, in a matter of minutes. Know what your repayments will be Calculate savings if extra repayments are made Create a budget plan Have a question? Check our frequently asked questions for answers to some common questions about our personal loans. How does debt consolidation work? When you consolidate debt with a personal loan, you combine the outstanding balances of multiple debts into one new personal loan in order to pay off all those other debts. This often helps you better manage your budget and cashflow because you only have one loan with one regular repayment and a set end date for paying off the debts, instead of having to manage multiple debts and multiple payments. Some of the types of debt that could be consolidated with a personal loan include car loans, credit cards, store cards, and personal loans with other lenders. Take control of your debts Discover tips for making debt consolidation work for you in the long run. Read more **Comparison rate warning WARNING: Comparison rates quoted are based on $30,000 for a term of 5 years for Car Loans and All Purpose Loans. Products quoted are unsecured except Car Loans over $50,000 are secured. This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees, or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. *Important information 1 Membership eligibility applies to join the Bank. All applications for credit are subject to our responsible lending criteria. Fees and charges apply. You can find our Consumer Lending terms and conditions online or from any of our offices. 2 Debt consolidation is $50K maximum. For information on debt consolidation, visit ASIC’s website. Design and Distribution Obligations The target market for this product will be found within the product’s Target Market Determination, available here. Personal loans Due for a holiday? Stop dreaming about that holiday and go! Our flexible payment options and competitive interest rates makes your next dream destination a reality. Manage your loan Travel services Loans FAQ Fixed All Purpose Personal Loan Get peace of mind that your rate and repayments will remain the same for a fixed period. The fixed rate All Purpose Personal Loan can help you bundle your debts2, fund a wedding or your next big purchase. Learn more 8 .99 pa % Featured Interest rate – 5 year fixed 9 .20 pa** % Featured Comparison Rate - 5 year fixed No ongoing fees A competitive fixed interest rate Choose weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments Apply Become a member All Purpose Personal Loan Make managing your money simple. Bundle your debts2 with our All Purpose Personal Loan or finalise that big purchase sooner. Learn more 11 .99 pa % Interest rate 12 .21 pa** % Comparison rate No ongoing fees Make extra repayments Choose weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayments A competitive variable interest rate Apply Become a member **Comparison rate warning WARNING: Comparison rates quoted are based on $30,000 for a term of 5 years for Car Loans and All Purpose Loans. Products quoted are unsecured except Car Loans over $50,000 are secured. This comparison rate is true only for the examples given and may not include all fees and charges. Different terms, fees, or other loan amounts might result in a different comparison rate. *Important information 1 Eligibility criteria apply to join Health Professionals Bank. All applications for credit are subject to our responsible lending criteria. Fees and charges and lending criteria apply. Consumer lending terms and conditions available here. 2 Debt consolidation is $50K maximum. For information on debt consolidation, visit ASIC's website. *Redraw subject to application and registration.